“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”
– Pema Chodron

On episode #62, I go over a typical day, from morning until night, of what it is like to suffer with health anxiety. The morning always hit me the hardest. After I woke up, I would immediately check in on myself and my sensations. Then I would ruminate over how awful my day is going to be and make excuses on why I should’t leave the house. During the day, I would keep my head down and avoid conversations with others. It was too challenging to engage in meaningful conversations because my internal world kept demanding my attention (the built in alarm was continuously sounding). Then once I got home I would distract my sensations and feelings with band-aids such as the TV. The goal of this podcast is to help you relate to my story and to provide your friends and family with the knowledge of what suffering with health anxiety is really like. 

The #1 Anxiety Recovery Podcast is on iTunes: