“There is no such thing as social media, there is only unsocial media.” 

– Abhijit Naskar

On this episode, I talk about the unconscious mind and how susceptible it is to the incoming programming of the media. The experience of a TV program or a scroll through Instagram creates an emotion. One can hardly tell this emotion (especially if it is repeated) when in this alpha wave trance. Let us take a closer look at the influence of media and its impact on our inner world. Bellow are they kept points talked about in this podcast episode.

  • If you are addicted to social media and Netflix, you need to set the bar low enough to recover. If you are consuming 6 hrs of Netflix a day for example, then the goal should be 5 hrs a day this week followed by 4 hrs the next. Then, imagine what your life would be like without this artificial stimulus. What would that look like? What would you do instead?
  • The objective of big business is to keep us consuming. Big tech, as well as advertisers, want us on our phones as long as possible. They catch us in an alpha hypnotic brain wave state as we scroll. Not to mention target our dopamine (our reward circuits).
  • If you disorient people with shock, discomfort, confusion, you open the door to unconscious programming. This is hypnosis. Disorientation of the conscious mind in which information slips through the guard of the analytical mind and seeps into your unconscious programming where you are more susceptible to its influences/message.
  • As the brain waves slow down, your analytical mind goes on break. The doors to the building are wide open where any stranger on the street can just walk in.
  • Imagine what these stressful shows and the impact of other peoples lives on social media do to your unconscious programming. The drama of these TV shows activate our stress response. They tell us how to feel as we fall into its trance. Then after, we fail to realize how much this stress lingers and remains with us even after the TV is shut off. The experience creates an emotion.