“Learning to love yourself is a process that takes dedication to ensure your happiness and fulfillment in life.” – Barbara Gain

On this episode, I talk about persistence and why this is important for real change to occur. So many of us quit at the first signs of resistance but it is important to know why this is the case. What is going on internally? Can our brains rewire themselves and break out of old patterns? Below, are they key points talked about in this episode.

  • The scariest things about health anxiety is feeling trapped, helpless, and alone. When you take on the responsibility for the chaos you are in (which requires you to become aware of the resources you were reliant upon for comfort area not working) then you can move forward in your search for the answers.
  • You have to let go of the things you are currently holding onto: addictions, negative relationships, reassurance, the unfulfilling job, and possibly medications. You see the mountain for what it is rather that ignoring it. Usually recovery can seem like a bar that is too high to reach. But, you should compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not who who someone is today.
  • There will be many moments in your recovery where you will feel like an imposter. That cognitive dissonance is when you behave and think in a manner you are not accustomed to. Then, that is when you catch your unconscious programming pulling you back into your old patterns. You then have the opportunity to choose whether you want to listen to this internal voice or not. If these patterns where not working for your benefit before, why go back to them?
  • You need to be persistent in your recovery so that the mind can adjust. It gets it only through repetition. You do not train your dog for only one day. The dog needs to understand the patterns until he/she gets it reflexively. Then eventually you won’t need the trainer.

Make sure you listen to the full episode below!