“There is more to life than increasing its speed.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
We live in an era of constant distractions. Distractions from ourselves and the consciousness we can attain. Work, TV, phones, games, chores – where is the me time in all that? Everything builds up until one day your body says: “Enough.” This can come in the form of restlessness, depression, and anxiety. Giving back to yourself everyday in small ways, can impact the future you in big ways. In this post, I want to go over some of the best ways to calm down the mind/body so that you can begin to reconnect with yourself, ground yourself, and get back into the present moment.
1. Hot Baths
This is one of my favorite end of the day rituals. A warm bath with a sprinkle of epsom salts calms my mind and body down. Light some candles and sit with yourself. No phones, no ipads, just you and your mind. It’s ok if you have a hard time quieting the mind. That’s what the mind does, think. Ever so often bring your focus back to the sensations you experience. Feel the warm water, feel the energy in your hands and feet, and watch your breath. This brings you out of your head and into the present moment.
2. Take Walks
It is usually the case that I have to force myself to get out of the house and go for a walk in nature. Every time I am out walking I always say: “I’m so glad I did this.” We are continuously surrounded by stimulous which drain us emotionally. We become so disconnected from what is going on internally and get trapped in unconsciousness. Taking that walk breaks that unconscious snare. It brings you back into the present moment and connects you with your mind/body. Also, keep your phone at home.
3. Make Tea
A delicious cup of chamomile tea always soothes my soul. Calming teas such as: peppermint, lavender, and passionflower are great teas for a tense body. After brewing your cup, sit somewhere where you won’t be distracted and enjoy the taste. For me, I love sitting near a window to watch nature and the people pass by. I will not look at my phone and I will designate 20 minutes of the day to just being. Notice the taste of the tea, your breathe, and sit with your thoughts. This is a great way to practise mindfulness.
4. Light Incense
Burning some sandalwood incense always triggers my relaxation. I can feel my body loosen up and my mind calming itself. Other than sandlewood, my favourite incenses are: lavender, sage, and vanilla. Light some when you take your bath or when you are working around the home. They not only trigger relaxation but are very cleansing and clear away any negative energy.
5. Eat Without The TV
Eating your meals without the iPad or TV is a great mindfulness practise. You can engage with the taste alot more because your senses are not juggling the stimulie of the TV as well. Not only that, if your eating with family, its an opportunity to sit with them and connect on a deeper level. Believe me, I sometimes get caught eating a meal or two infront of the TV especially after a long day. But when I find myself alone with the food, I am more connected to my body and the environment around me.